I wanted to try keeping blog as I have so little free time now adays ... life with dogs, three small children, not yet totally finished big house & garden, work etc.. isn't so easy and I must say it's time to time very stressy ..  and there just isn't enough time to do everything .. even no time for things I should do... I feel so bad I have no time to write e-mails etc .. I have lot's of things waiting to be done .. just wondering when I have time to do those things ...

I decided to keep my blog also in english (sorry my english isn't so good) as this way also my foreign friends can read what is going on here. So I write some notes in english :-)

Last week we also got to know that Susu is pregnant, finally .. I almost had given up my hope to get her pregnant .. She really hasn't changed so much what comes to her looks (vet thought she looks VERY good to be pregnant female) and she is normal-active-herself ..  so soon we will see how many pups she get's ... very exciting.

I try to update my blog as often I have time .. :)
